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Traditional coherence algorithms are often based on the assumption that seismic traces are stationary and Gaussian. However, seismic traces are actually non-stationary and non-Gaussian. A constant time window and the canonical correlation analysis in traditional coherence algorithms are not optimal for non-stationary seismic traces and cannot describe the similarity between adjacent seismic traces in detail. To overcome this problem, a new coherence algorithm using the high-resolution time–time transform and the feature matrix is designed. The high-resolution time–time transform used to replace the constant time window can produce a frequency-dependent time local series to analyse non-stationary seismic traces. The feature matrix, constructed by the frequency-dependent time local series and the related local gradients, defines a new correlation metric that enhances more details of the geological discontinuities in seismic images than does the canonical correlation analysis. Additionally, the Riemannian metric is introduced for related calculations because the feature matrices are not defined in a Euclidean space but rather in a manifold space. Application to field data illustrates that the proposed method reveals more details of structural and stratigraphic features.  相似文献   
通过对已有震害预测的易损性矩阵进行研究,对目前易损性矩阵的概率模型进行了修改。分析了华南地区建筑群的3种主要结构类型:钢混结构,砖混结构和砖木结构。将3种结构在各种烈度下的破坏状态分别进行了拟合和参数计算,针对其差异性提出了偏态分布和正态分布,给出了不同的破坏概率模型。在广东省惠州市数据的验算下,证明了对于砌体和钢混建筑群易损性矩阵的呈现有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
关键金属元素分析测试技术方法应用进展   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
以稀有、稀散、稀土、铂族元素为主体的战略性关键金属矿产资源,在新材料、新能源和信息技术等新兴产业中发挥着越来越关键的作用。随着我国关键矿产资源地质调查的不断深入,关键金属元素以其赋存基体复杂、不同矿物含量差异大、化学性质不稳定等特点对分析测试技术提出了新的挑战。本文根据化学组成不同,对关键金属元素主要赋存基体进行了分类,主要分为硅酸盐、碳酸盐、硫酸盐、钨酸盐、磷酸盐、氧化物、硫化物、卤化物等。对于不同的基体岩石矿物,通常采用酸溶法(硝酸-氢氟酸组合、王水)或碱熔法等传统溶样方法进行化学消解。评述了当前关键金属元素测试常用的电子探针、电感耦合等离子体质谱、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱、X射线荧光光谱等仪器的特点及应用,总结了关键金属元素分析过程中出现的样品难溶解、回收率不完全、测试过程氧化物和同质异位素干扰、样品和标准基体不一致等常见问题,并提出了相应的解决方案。微区原位分析凭借其高效率、低成本、高空间分辨率的优势,以及野外现场分析凭借其简单快速、贴近野外工作的特点是关键金属元素测试技术发展的主要趋势。  相似文献   
鉴于新疆地区对中国乃至中亚有着特殊的战略意义,本文针对不同数据源及分类系统在土地覆被数据的空间分布上缺乏互通性问题,结合2010年目视解译土地利用现状遥感监测数据、GlobeLand30和GlobCover2009共3种土地覆被数据,采用类型相似分析、类型混淆分析、混淆矩阵分析、空间一致性分析4种方法开展精度评价及一致性分析,以期对土地覆被数据在中国西北干旱区的适用性及适用范围提供有效建议。结果表明,3种土地覆被数据对新疆地区土地覆被类型构成基本一致,且对裸地类型的辨识度最高;新疆地区中高度一致区域占新疆总面积的95%;3种数据两两对比时,总体精度在64.11%~72.57%之间,其中目视解译数据/GlobeLand 30组合表现出最高水平,且仍有提高空间,反映出目前相同卫星传感器是提升精度评价结果的重要因素之一,且不同分类系统、分类方法、空间分辨率及卫星过境时间等因素对精度评价结果也会产生巨大影响。为解决此类问题,利用多源土地覆被遥感数据的融合技术提高数据精度,或是利用深度学习对遥感影像资料进行精确地解译和判读,将是今后全球土地覆被制图及应用领域的主要发展趋势。  相似文献   
Suction buckets differ with their easy and cost-efficient installation technique from other foundation types for offshore wind turbines. For successful completion of their installation process, suction is essential, but the imposed seepage leads to the changes in states of the soil in and around the bucket. Especially, a loosening of soil inside the bucket affects the load carrying behaviour of bucket subjected to repetitive loading resulting from environmental conditions. In this study, the behaviour of buckets under cyclic axial compressive loads with considering a possible loosening and related changes in permeability of soil inside the bucket is investigated numerically. In the framework of finite element analysis, a fully coupled two-phase model and a hypoplastic constitutive model are used to describe the saturated sandy soil behaviour under repetitive loading. The porosity-permeability variation is taken into account by Kozeny–Carman relationship. Special attention is dedicated to load carrying behaviour of bucket top plate, inner and outer skirt as well as base and their changes resulting from a loosening of soil inside the bucket with variable aspect ratio. For this purpose, cyclic axial compressive loads which cause an attenuation and progressive failure of soil-bucket system response are considered. The main findings on the changes in load carrying behaviour of bucket are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
阻尼矩阵的选择对土层时域内地震反应计算的准确性有重要意义。本文构造了质量比例阻尼、刚度比例阻尼、Rayleigh阻尼、Caughey阻尼和Clough阻尼矩阵,研究各阻尼对土层地震反应分析精度的影响。以苏通大桥5号桥塔基础处的工程场地为例,分别以人工合成基岩波,Northridge波、Parkfield波和汶川波为输入,得到不同阻尼模型下土层的地震反应,结果表明Clough阻尼在计算精度和误差稳定性上要优于其他阻尼模型,针对Clough阻尼的不足之处提出了改进方法,算例表明改进后的Clough阻尼能在保证计算精度的前提下减少计算机的存储量和计算量。  相似文献   
本文在对马达加斯加地质演化研究成果分析的基础上,通过野外调查和监测,结合已有水文资料对Mahajanga盆地岩溶的水文效应开展研究。受地质结构、岩性等条件的控制,Mahajanga盆地东部演化形成绵延近300 km的岩溶槽,在西南部则形成面积达12 000 km2的岩溶台地。岩溶槽和岩溶台地的岩溶发育均以水平方向为主,垂直方向发育较浅,岩溶形态则呈现出明显的均等溶蚀特征。盆地东部岩溶槽拦截了大部分来自高原的河流,是马达加斯加最重要的汇流区,同时,特殊的地质结构也演化形成独特的地下“汇流”系统。岩溶槽区内平缓的河床比降、复杂的河流网络、星罗棋布的湖泊和洼地、分布广泛的松散堆积层以及面积广阔的地下岩溶系统,构成了巨大的水循环调节库,对水文过程将产生较大的“滞流”效应。盆地西南部的岩溶台地面积广,规模大,是一个巨大的天然储水“水库”,对地表径流起到重要的调节作用。   相似文献   
通过把地层格架信息作用于立体层析Fréchet导数矩阵,使得更新后的速度模型呈现出符合地质规律的块状特征.地层格架信息基于立体层析反演中得到的反射点位置进行非规则B样条插值拟合得到,因此在反演中它将会随着反射点位置的更新自然得到更新.与前人提出的保边缘层析算法或多层立体层析算法相比,本文提出的地层格架正则化无需引入混合正则化项或定义某种复杂的混合速度格式,更为直接也更容易实现.理论和实际数据算例证实了该正则化技巧的稳健性和可靠性,能够得到与实际地质构造特征更为一致的地质一致性反演结果.  相似文献   
The scaled boundary finite‐element method, a semi‐analytical computational scheme primarily developed for dynamic stiffness of unbounded domains, is applied to the analysis of unsteady seepage flow problems. This method is based on the finite‐element technology and gains the advantages of the boundary element method as well. Only boundary of the domain is discretized, no fundamental solution is required and singularity problems can be modeled rigorously. Anisotropic and non‐homogeneous materials satisfying similarity are modeled with no additional efforts. In this study, firstly, formulation of the method for the transient seepage flow problems is derived followed by its solution procedures. The accuracy, simplicity and applicability of the method are demonstrated via four numerical examples of transient seepage flow – three of them are available in the literature. Homogenous, non‐homogenous, isotropic and anisotropic material properties are considered to show the versatility of the technique. Excellent agreement with the finite‐element method is observed. The method out‐performs the finite‐element method in modeling singularity points. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper advocates the use of a multiphase model, already developed for static or quasi‐static geotechnical engineering problems, for simulating the behaviour of piled raft foundations subject to horizontal as well as rocking dynamic solicitations. It is shown that such a model, implemented in a FEM code, yields appropriate predictions for the foundation impedance characteristics, provided that shear and bending effects in the piles are taken into account, thus corroborating the findings of the asymptotic homogenization theory. Besides, it is notably pointed out that such a multiphase‐based computational tool makes it possible to assess the dynamic behaviour of pile groups in a much quicker way than when using direct numerical simulations, which may face oversized problems when large pile groups are concerned. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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